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  • spartancscommunica


  1. 校长任命:2023年3月19号理事会全体通过:任命腾延江为新任校长,任期为2023年6月1号至2025年5月31号;本决定于2023年6月1号生效。

  2. 理事会改选:2023年3月4号理事会全体通过:高力、郭宁作为新任理事加入理事会,即日生效;现任理事范蓓蕾因家庭原因于3月5号退出理事会,即日生效。

  1. Appointment of Spartan Chinese School Principal: Approved by the full board on March 19, 2023: Yanjiang Teng was appointed as the new principal for the period of June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2025; this decision is effective on June 1, 2023.

  2. Spartan Chinese School Board of Directors re-election: Approved by the full Board on March 4, 2023: Li Gao and Ning Guo joined the Board of Directors as the new trustees, effective immediately; the current trustee, Peilei Fan, withdrew from the Board on March 5 for family reasons, effective immediately.

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