Spartan Chinese School
Est. 1992

Our Admissions
Please note, registration deadline is August 13th at 11:59 PM. The registration fee is waived for registration by the deadline. Please read Tuition, Fees, and Related School Policies by clicking the "Tuition" button above.
Grade Selection Guide
Entry Age: Generally speaking, only the students born on or before September 1st, 2018, can enroll for Kindergarten or higher grades at Spartan Chinese School in the 2023-2024 school year. The School will check the identification documents of the kindergarteners and new 1st graders to confirm their birth dates.
For a student born after September 1st, 2019, but on or before December 1st, 2019, if the student
1) has no difficulty listening and speaking Chinese, AND
2) is enrolled in kindergarten at a public or private school on weekdays during the 2024-2025 school year, he/she can register for our kindergarten program. The school will try its best to enroll the student as long as we have enough teachers and class capacity. After enrollment, the School will 1) check identification documents to confirm the birth date,
3) need a document from the public or private school to confirm the enrollment there, and
4) assess the student’s listening and speaking skills.
Kindergarten: There is no minimum Chinese reading or writing vocabulary requirement for Kindergarten enrolment, but the class will be an immersion style in which the teacher speaks only Chinese, so the students should have basic listening and speaking skills in Chinese.
1st Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 1): No minimum Chinese vocabulary is required to enroll in the 1st grade either, but basic listening, speaking, and pinyin skills are required.
2nd Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 2): The default prerequisite for 2nd grade is finishing Mapliping Chinese Volume 1, which means the accumulated vocabulary reaches 305 Chinese characters. If the Student is switching textbook systems or is not sure about the readiness, feel free to take the readiness self-assessments (https://extendedforms.io/form/9393057a-41cf-4508-bd20-f67f49b2e03e/login), which will help decide whether the Student is ready for 2nd Grade.
3rd Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 3): The default prerequisite for 3rd grade is finishing Mapliping Chinese Volume 2, which means the accumulated vocabulary reaches 682 Chinese characters. If the Student is switching textbook systems or is not sure about the readiness, feel free to take the readiness self-assessments (https://extendedforms.io/form/93aa6b58-7791-47b6-a191-1814354030e4/login), which will help decide whether the Student is ready for 3rd Grade.
4th/5th Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 4): The default prerequisite for 4th/5th grade is finishing Mapliping Chinese Volume 3, which means the accumulated vocabulary reaches 1035 Chinese characters. If the Student is switching textbook systems or is not sure about the readiness, feel free to take the readiness self-assessments (https://extendedforms.io/form/93aa6f7e-c952-487f-823d-b3fc81674d7e/login), which will help decide whether the Student is ready for 45h/5th Grade.
5th Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 5): The default prerequisite for 6th grade is finishing Mapliping Chinese Volume 4, which means the accumulated vocabulary reaches 1344 Chinese characters. If the Student is switching textbook systems or is not sure about the readiness, feel free to take the readiness self-assessments (https://extendedforms.io/form/93aa70a3-0817-4664-8ca9-a8ff84671307/login), which will help decide whether the Student is ready for 6th Grade.
7th Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 6): The default prerequisite for 7th grade is finishing Mapliping Chinese Volume 5, which means the accumulated vocabulary reaches 1493 Chinese characters. If the Student is switching from another textbook system or is unsure about the readiness, feel free to read the first chapter of The Journey to the West adapted by Maliping (https://www.heritagechinese.com/static/common/pdf/05-xiyouji.pdf). If the Student can read it without much difficulty, he/she should be ready for 7th grade. The 6th and 7th grades will be merged as one class since they will use the same volume of the same textbook system.
8th Grade (Maliping Chinese Volume 7): The default prerequisite for 8th grade is having the accumulated vocabulary that reaches 1144 Chinese characters and being able to conduct basic Chinese reading independently and write short essays in Chinese. The Student should be cognitively as mature as the 8th graders in public schools to participate in the learning activities as the class peers.
9th Grade (Maliping): The default prerequisite for 9th grade is an accumulated vocabulary that reaches 1328 Chinese characters and can conduct more advanced Chinese reading independently and write essays in Chinese. The Student should be cognitively as mature as the 9th graders in public schools to participate in the learning activities as their class peers.
AP Preparation Class: The default AP class prerequisite is finishing the 9th Grade in Spartan Chinese School. An entry assessment will be conducted by the teacher of the AP Preparation Class to all students who didn't attend the 9th grade in the School and register in the AP Class to decide whether the student is ready for AP Preparation Class.