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Spartan Chinese School In-Person Mitigations and Rules
for COVID-19 in the 2022-2023 School Year

  1. 统一要求 (General rules)

    • 所有在中文学校上课和活动时间段内,进入Berkey Hall一楼的本校师生、家长和工作人员,不论是否已经注射疫苗,请自觉全程、正确佩戴口罩。​
      All teachers, students, guardians, and volunteers of Spartan Chinese School (the School), whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks correctly during their whole stay on the Berkey Hall 1st floor in school and during activity hours.

    • 所有本校老师,都已完成新冠疫苗注射。
      All our teachers have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

    • 学生或老师如在课前24小时之内有过以下症状中任何一项,无论是否确诊(个别例外见症状列表)或打疫苗,请自觉用电子邮件通知中文学校(和本班老师,并停课或改用zoom听课一次(网络旁听课堂互动有限,请见谅)。如果是老师有症状,学校会根据老师健康状况和师资情况安排网课、代课或补课。
      If any teacher or student had ANY symptoms listed below within 24 hours prior to a class, regardless of the testing result (see the symptom list below for an exception) and the vaccination status, please be responsible and notify the School ( and the classroom teacher, and skip class or participate online via Zoom once (sorry for the limited interaction when participating via Zoom). If a teacher has symptom(s), the School will arrange a zoom class, a  substitute teacher, or a makeup class, depending on the symptoms of the teacher and the availability of the substitute teachers.

      • 发烧(100.4华氏度或更高)或者畏寒,持续数小时
        Fever (100.4 F and above) and/or chills that last for at least hours

      • 剧烈咳嗽
        Hard cough

      • 气促或呼吸困难
        Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

      • 强烈疲惫感

      • 不明原因的肌肉或身体酸痛
        Muscle or body aches for unknown reason

      • 头痛

      • 喉咙痛
        Sore throat

      • 鼻塞或流涕,除非有医生诊断证明该症状是由于其他非新冠疾病
        Congestion or runny nose unless it’s due to a non-COVID-19 illness with a doctor’s diagnosis.

      • 眩晕或呕吐
        Nausea or vomiting

      • 腹泻

    • 老师或学生如新冠测试阳性,从确诊或开始有症状那天(两者之间较早那个)之后算起,5天之内不能来中文学校上课。如需要停课或改用zoom听课一次(网络旁听课堂互动有限,请见谅),请自觉用电子邮件通知中文学校(和本班老师。如果是老师测试阳性,学校会根据老师健康状况和师资情况安排网课、代课或补课。
      If any teacher or student is tested positive for COVID-19, please don’t attend Chinese class in the next 5 days, starting from the day after being tested positive or the symptom(s) began, whichever earlier. If an absence or one-time Zoom participation (sorry for the limited interaction when participating via Zoom) is needed, please be responsible and notify the School ( and the classroom teacher. If a teacher is tested positive, the School will arrange a zoom class, a  substitute teacher, or a makeup class, depending on the symptoms of the teacher and the availability of the substitute teachers..

    • 所有班级每次实体课将进行考勤,以便需要时提供师生接触记录。
      All in-person classes will keep attendance records to provide contact history information if needed.


  2. 课前 (Before class):

    • 教师提前10-15分钟到教室,开窗通风,用消毒纸巾给桌椅消毒(MSU保洁人员在此之前也打扫过教室)。
      The teachers will arrive 10-15 minutes before the school starts, and ventilate the classrooms by opening the windows and disinfecting the seats with disinfecting wipes (MSU custodians have cleaned the classrooms in advance).​

    • 家长可送学生进入Berkey Hall教学楼和教室内,但在室内请尽量保持社交距离和减少逗留时间。
      The guardians may walk the students into the Berkey Hall building and classrooms, but please try your best to keep social distance and limit your length of indoor stay.

  3. 上课 (In classroom): 

    • 学校将尽量按照每班人数安排相应大小的教室,保证人数多的班级有较大教室(到2022年8月24日为止,最大班级报名人数为14名学生)。
      The School tries to assign bigger classrooms to the classes with more students (By August 248th, the biggest class consists of 14 registered students).

    • 上课期间老师在保证教学质量的同时,尽量安排学生散坐,保持社交距离。教室里配备了麦克风,以保证散坐的学生能听清楚讲课。
      During class time, the teacher will try to assign seats away from each other to balance the learning experience and the social distance. A microphone is available in every classroom to ensure the students can hear the teachers clearly despite the social distance.

    • 学校会为每个教室配备免洗洗手液。
      Hand sanitizers will be available in every classroom.

  4. 课间休息 (Break time):

    • 不同班级之间分批课间休息,减少不同班级之间在走廊和洗手间的接触。​
      Classes will have different break times to limit the contact between students from different classrooms in the hallway and bathrooms.

    • 如无必要,请师生课间尽量留在本班教室休息。
      The teachers and students should stay and rest in their classrooms unless there is a need to leave the classrooms.

    • 如无必要,请不要让学生带早饭、零食来学校食用。如课间确实需要喝水和进食,请尽量留在本班教室本人座位,与他人保持社交距离。Please don’t bring food (breakfast or snacks) to the school unless there is a need. If a student needs to drink and eat during break time, please stay in his/her own seat in the classroom and keep an appropriate social distance from others.

  5. 课后 (After class):

    • 放学时,家长可进入Berkey Hall接学生,但在室内请尽量保持社交距离和减少逗留时间。
      The guardians may enter Berkey Hall to pick up the students, but please try your best to keep social distance and limit your length of indoor stay.​

    • 家长如需跟老师当面交流,请尽量在室外进行谈话。
      If the guardians need to have an in-person conversation with the teachers, please try to have the conversation outdoors.


  6. 补充说明 (Additional notes):

    • 由于斯巴达中文学校是租借MSU的教学楼进行教学,如MSU有比以上更严格的防疫措施,则以MSU的措施为准。
      Because the School rents Berkey Hall from MSU, MSU rules and the school rules, whichever are stricter, should be obeyed.​

    • 如果MSU改变政策,不再租借教学楼,则所有实体课改为网课。
      If MSU changes the policy and withdraws the classroom rental to us, all in-person classes will have to change to online.

    • 如果疫情有重大变化,可能再次就实体课和网课的形式选择,咨询全校师生、家长意见。
      If there is a significant change in the pandemic situation, further input will be taken from all teachers, students, and guardians about the class formats.

斯巴达中文学校校委会 Spartan Chinese School Executive Committee


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